[originaltext]W: I don’t understand why I received such a low grade on my math

游客2023-07-06  13

W: I don’t understand why I received such a low grade on my math exam. Judy seemed happy with her grades.
M: Happy? She could perfectly contain herself.
Q: What does the man say about Judy?

选项 A、She contained her happiness.
B、She pretended to be cheerful.
C、She thought the exam was hard.
D、She was awfully pleased with her grades.

答案 B

解析 男士反问说“(她)高兴?她可以完全控制住自己(不流露真实的情绪)”,言下之意是说Judy并不是真的高兴,而是她凭借良好的自制能力(contain herself)装出来的,所以B正确。