[originaltext]W: I’ve been waiting all week for this music drama; the Cats is s

游客2023-07-04  28

W: I’ve been waiting all week for this music drama; the Cats is supposed to be excellent. And with our student discount, the tickets will be really cheap.
M: Uh, oh...I’m afraid I left my student ID card in my other wallet.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: Don’t be too harsh on yourself. You have already worked so hard. I think you really need to have a break.
W: You’re right. But nowadays earning money is my priority.
Q: What’s the woman most probably going to do?

选项 A、Continue her hard work.
B、Have a short break.
C、Enjoy her family life.
D、Pursue further study.

答案 A

解析 行为活动题。男士建议女士应注意休息(have a break),女士对男士的建议表示肯定,但通过But转折句表示,目前对她来说,挣钱才是当务之急(earning money is my priority),言外之意就是她会一如既往地努力工作,故答案为A)。