[originaltext]M: I’m never going to shop at Sun Fashion Shop again! W: It’s no

游客2023-07-04  18

M: I’m never going to shop at Sun Fashion Shop again!
W: It’s not one of my favourite stores either. What happened to you there?
M:[9]They were advertising a "Clearance Sale" in front of the shop and I bought two T-shirts for $30. [10]The problem is that the shirts shrank to children’s size after being washed only once!
W:Did the shirts have laundry instructions on them?
M: Yes, and I followed them exactly.
W: Did you try to get your money back from the store?
M: Yes, but they said they don’t guarantee their products. I’ll never shop there again!
W: That’s why it’s not my favorite store, either. There are other, better quality stores that will refund your money if there is a problem with one of their products. It’s just not worth taking a chance when stores use so-called "price cutting" techniques to mislead shoppers into buying poor quality products.
M: Yeah,[11]they are misleading with their beautiful advertising lies!
W: If enough people become aware of their poor quality and their lies in advertising, the store will not be able to stay in business because no one will shop there.
M: I hope you’re right. Stores like that should not be in business.
9. Why did the man shop at Sun Fashion Shop?
10. What happened to the T-shirts the man bought after washing?
11. What can be learned from the conversation?

选项 A、Because of the shop’s advertisement.
B、Because the T-shirts fit him perfectly.
C、Because the products are said to be good.
D、Because he had some acquaintances there.

答案 A

解析 细节题。男士说看见商店门口有个“清仓处理”的广告牌子,就进去买了两件T恤,由此可以推断男士去Sun Fashion Shop购物是因为看到了打折广告,故答案为A)。