The ranks of the over 65s grew by 1.4m over the past decade. But old age wil

游客2023-07-04  25

问题     The ranks of the over 65s grew by 1.4m over the past decade. But old age will not be kind to all of them. One in three will develop dementia(痴呆), around one in six will end up in a nursing or care home and nearly half will need some forms of care. Few will have laid plans to pay for it.
    Knowing the dilemma of elderly voters, the government is moving to change that. Next year it will put & 72,000 on the sum that a person will have to pay towards care, and will raise the means-testing threshold(阀值)from £ 23,250 to £ 118,000.
    The government had hoped that this reform would not just relieve elderly nerves but also stimulate an insurance market for end-of-life care. Unfortunately, that is not happening.
    Many people continue to assume, wrongly, that the NHS will pay, says Yvonne Braun from the Association of British Insurers. And most are overly optimistic about their health in old age, underestimating(低估)the risks and costs they will suffer. Joan Costa-Font, from the London School of Economics, adds that the idea of care insurance seems to conflict with social values. A kind of familial moral hazard kicks in, as people fear their children will no longer look after them if they are insured.
    Care costs are so hard to predict that insurers tend to protect themselves with big insurance expenses, making insurance difficult to afford. The government’s new policy, which was supposed to sort this out, comes with alarming warnings. It does not include the cost of bed and board, which makes up a large amount of care home costs. It is also up to local authorities to determine which care counts towards the policy, meaning people may end up spending more after all. And the policy is higher than the £25,000-50,000 recommended to the government by Andrew Dilnot, an economist who reviewed the market.
    From next month much will change for retirees, as the government drops the requirement to buy annuities with private pension pots. The government hopes that people will use the new flexibility to plan for their old age, including the possibility that their final years will be spent in a nursing home rather than on the Costa del Sol. [br] Why does the idea of care insurance conflict with social values according to Joan?

选项 A、Because people are excessively optimistic about their health in old age.
B、Because most people cannot afford the relevant risks and costs.
C、Because the care insurance will definitely result in moral crisis.
D、Because people worry children will not support them if they are insured.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。本题考查琼关于护理保险的观点。第四段倒数第二句提到,来自伦敦经济学院的琼·科斯塔一丰特补充道,护理保险这一说法似乎与社会价值观存在冲突。接着进一步进行解释,随着人们担忧子女在他们投保之后会将他们弃之不顾,一种家庭性的道德危机开始蔓延。因此D)是对琼的解释的同义转述,故答案为D)。A)“因为人们对自己晚年健康表现得过度乐观”、B)“因为大多数人无法承受相关的风险和费用”和C)“因为护理保险必然会导致道德危机”都不是护理保险与社会价值观存在冲突的原因,故排除。