As you crest(到达)a rise on Mississippi’s Highway 63, a calm brown waterway fl

游客2023-07-03  12

问题     As you crest(到达)a rise on Mississippi’s Highway 63, a calm brown waterway flows beneath the bridge, and cranes and derricks(有井架)is revealed in the distance. The near view gives the region its charm; the distant one sustains it. The oil industry and shipbuilding both thrive along the coast. But the population has waned, displaced by hurricanes, so companies must look elsewhere for their workers. The results are not always happy ones.
    Like America’s rickety immigration system, the H-2B program draws scorn from all sides. Companies in such industries as forestry and fisheries depend heavily on guest workers. But since 1990 the H-2B has been capped at a worthless 66 000 a year. Even with exemptions for workers who extend their visas, that cap has been hit every year but one. In 2008 American companies requested nearly 294 000 H-2Bs. Unions, for their part, were worried that guest workers take jobs from willing Americans, as well as driving down wages and benefits. And immigrant-rights advocates point to the potential for abuse inherent in the program. Although temporary agricultural workers are guaranteed housing, travel expenses, firm hours of work and access to lawyers, H-2B visa-holders are promised only prevailing local wages. Their visas are tied to their jobs, which deters(制止)complaint.
    Mary Bauer, the legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Centre, a civil-rights program that has represented numerous H-2B plaintiffs, says that temporary workers appeal to employers because "they cannot work for anybody else. They have to accept any terms imposed on them. They have to borrow a substantial amount of money to get here, and almost anything asked of them they feel obligated to tolerate and do. "
    Things may be getting better. In February Superior Forestry Service, which provides the forest industry with immigrant workers, agreed to a $ 2.75 million settlement in a suit brought by 2 200 workers who claimed they were short-changed on wages. And in December 2009 Bernie Sanders, a senator from Vermont, introduced a bill that would provide guest workers with travel expenses and access to lawyers, regulate foreign recruiters and prevent companies that have massively laid off local staff from hiring immigrants. It won’t make everyone happy, but at least it should make some people a bit less unhappy.  [br] The main theme of this passage is______.

选项 A、America’s outdated immigration law has many recognizable flaws
B、industries in America are getting worse and worse nowadays
C、the rights of guest workers should be protected by suitable laws
D、Mississippi is not suitable for guest workers to live and work in

答案 C

解析 主旨大意题。本文以密西西比州缺乏外来务工人员为例,说明现在美国对外来务工人员的政策不够完善这一情况,并指出需要有合适的法律来保护他们的权利,故正确答案为C)。