[originaltext]W: The term paper is due in two days, but it seems all the books

游客2023-07-03  24

W: The term paper is due in two days, but it seems all the books I need have been checked out.
M: Yeah. You may have to buy some books. It is always true to say that early bird catches the worm.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: I’m tired of Bill’s complaints. I don’t know why he always looks at things in such a negative way.
W: You know he grows in a single-parent family. He was heavily blown by his parents’ divorce at a young age.
Q: What does the woman think of Bill’s complaints?

选项 A、Understandable.

答案 A

解析 生活交际类.观点态度题。男士说厌烦了Bill不断的抱怨,在男士看来,Bill总是消极地看待问题,女士解释说Bill生长在单亲家庭里,他父母的离异给小时候的他造成了沉重的打击。由此可知,女士倾向于理解而不是埋怨Bill。