[originaltext]W: The term paper is due in two days, but it seems all the books

游客2023-07-03  13

W: The term paper is due in two days, but it seems all the books I need have been checked out.
M: Yeah. You may have to buy some books. It is always true to say that early bird catches the worm.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Here’s this week’s schedule. On Monday, there’s the board meeting. Your speech at the Fans’ Club is on Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday, you’re supposed to see the dentist.
M: I’m glad I don’t have to travel to the business conference this week.
Q: What can we learn about the man?

选项 A、He is discussing a meeting with the woman.
B、He is the boss of the woman.
C、He is going to give a speech on Wednesday.
D、He is eager to attend the business conference.

答案 B

解析 工作商务类.事实细节题。女士向男士提供了一周的日程安排表,并具体说明了每天要做的事情,男士听后对自己本周不用出差感到高兴。由此可知,说话者之间是老板与秘书的关系。