[originaltext]M: Have you happened to bring your physics notes along? I missed

游客2023-07-03  19

M: Have you happened to bring your physics notes along? I missed yesterday’s class.
W: I’m afraid they are on loan to Michael. If you do not mind waiting, I’ll give it to you tomorrow.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I can’t find that kind of jogging shoes I want anywhere in the towa
W: Why not have a search on ebay? It provides anything you want and it’s easier than running around town looking for them.
Q: What does the woman suggest?

选项 A、The man should go to another town.
B、The man can try to buy the shoes online.
C、The man should search the town carefully.
D、The man should stop jogging without the shoes.

答案 B

解析 生活交际类,请求建议题。男士说在镇上找不到慢跑需要的鞋,女士回答说为什么不试试ebay。它那上面的物品应有尽有,比在城里到处找容易多了。由此可见,女士建议男士试试网上购物。