[originaltext]W: You say you are quite good at French in your letter. Is it you

游客2023-07-03  15

W: You say you are quite good at French in your letter. Is it your major in college?
M: Actually, I majored in Marketing in college, and I’m seeking a career in Marketing. I list French because it is one of your job requirements.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The woman is giving advice to the man.
B、The woman is interested in French.
C、The man is taking a job interview.
D、The man is sure to get the job.

答案 C

解析 工作商务类,事实细节题。女士说男士在信中提到自己擅长法语,并问他在大学所学专业是否是法语;男士说自己所学的专业是市场营销,而且也想找个有关市场营销的工作,而他在信中列出法语是因为法语是招聘要求之一。由此可知,男士正在参加面试。