[originaltext]W: You never speak English unless you absolutely have to. I’ll he

游客2023-07-03  16

W: You never speak English unless you absolutely have to. I’ll help you if you promise to speak nothing but English all the time.
M: All right. Maybe I’ll do that. It’s the only way I’ll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: Have you lived here long?
M: Me? I guess so. I first came here six years ago. Then one year after that I moved to Boston. But I found I love here much more, so three years ago I was back here again.
Q: How long has the man lived here all together?

选项 A、Six years.
B、Four years.
C、Three years.
D、One year.

答案 B

解析 男士6年前第一次来到这里,一年后搬走,3年前又搬来,因此该男士在这里一共住了1+3=4年,选B。本题难点不在猜题,而在于把听到的内容标记清楚,再根据问题来选答案。