[originaltext]M: Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight?W: You treated me

游客2023-07-03  24

M: Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight?
W: You treated me last weekend. Now it’s my turn. Shall we try something Italian?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
W: Hello, is that Steve? I’m stuck in a traffic jam. I’m afraid I can’t make it before 7 o’clock.
M: Never mind. I’ll be here waiting for you.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man will go to meet the woman this evening.
B、The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o’clock.
C、The woman can’t finish making the jam before 7 o’clock.
D、The woman won’t be able to see the man this evening.

答案 B

解析 关键是要听到7 o’clock和waiting for you。女士说交通堵塞,恐怕7点之前赶不到男士那里了;男士说“没关系,我会在这里等你。”很显然,他们约好7点见面。B正确。男士说他会等待女士的到来,故A、D都不正确;对话中的jam表示“交通堵塞”而不是“果酱”,make it在对话中意为“及时抵达”而不是“制作”,故C错误。