
游客2023-07-03  27

问题     西安,古代名为长安,位于中国中部,隶属陕西省。西安曾经是中国12个朝代的都城,有很多名胜古迹,历史辉煌。成千上万的游客来到这里,大多是来参观位于西安郊区的兵马俑(terracottawarrior)博物馆。游览西安的最佳时间是春秋两个季节,因为这两个季节的气候相对干燥宜人。西安城在7月至9月的一段时间内会经常刮湿润的季风(monsoon),冬季又相当寒冷。


答案     Xi’an, known as Chang’an in ancient times, is situated in central China in Shaanxi Province. With a brilliant history, Xi’an has a great many historical relics of interest, having been the capital city of China through 12 dynasties. Hordes of tourists who flock to Xi’an come to visit terracotta warrior museum on the outskirts of the city. The best time to travel to Xi’an is during spring and autumn, when the weather is relatively dry and pleasant. The city has a very wet monsoon season between July and September, and winters are very cold.

解析 1.第一句中注意西安的译法,需要加个分隔号Xi’an。注意陕西和山西在英文中的区别,分别是Shaanxi和Shanxi。
2.第二句句子虽不长,但有三层意思,在翻译时我们不要全部翻译成简单句,避免句式单调。翻译的过程中,我们进行了调整,将“历史辉煌”翻译成了伴随状语with a brilliant history,放在句首。后面也没有用两个简单句并列,而是使用了分词短语作状语,增添了译文的层次感。
3.第三句中我们将“成千上万的游客来到这里”翻译成Hordes of tourists who flock to Xi’an,其中,使用了who引导的定语从句,而flock一词的使用将游客蜂拥而至的状况表现得淋漓尽致。“在……的郊区”可使用短语on the outskirts of…。