中国国际地毯交易会(The China International Carpet Fair)是国内最大的地毯专业展会。具有浓郁东方气息的中国国际地毯交易

游客2023-07-03  37

问题     中国国际地毯交易会(The China International Carpet Fair)是国内最大的地毯专业展会。具有浓郁东方气息的中国国际地毯交易会自1975年起已经连续成功举办了30多届。每一届交易会都有来自世界各地50多个国家和地区的专业地毯商参加洽谈。承各方的大力支持,交易会一届比一届办得圆满,一届比一届更有特色,深受中外客商的注目,现已成为地毯洽谈和市场信息交流的重要窗口。


答案     The China International Carpet Fair is the largest carpet exhibition of its kind in China. Since 1975, the China International Carpet Fair, characterized by its rich oriental flavor, has been held successfully more than thirty times. Each fair sees carpet dealers from over 50 countries and regions around the world come to participate in its business talks. Thanks to the energetic support from all the parties involved, each fair registers greater success than the previous one and, one after another, each fair distinguishes itself with more innovations than its predecessor. With so much attention paid to it by traders both at home and abroad, the China International Carpet Fair has become an important window on business talks and exchange of market information.

解析 1.翻译第二句的时候需要注意一下“具有浓郁东方气息的”这个定语的翻译。一般来说,翻译“具有……”这样的短语时,我们常用with,possess和have等词来组织对应的短语,但在翻译本句时,这些词似乎都不能准确传达原文的意思,所以我们在翻译的时候,把“具有浓郁东方气息的”处理为characterized by its rich oriental flavor,表达更加地道。
2.翻译第三句时一般会想到用there be结构,但这里我们没有这么处理,而是采用了拟人的手法,用了see这个动词,当然也可以用witness。此外,“专业地毯商”可以翻译成traders specializedin carpet business,但是这里我们用了carpet dealers,显得更地道,同时语言也更加简洁。
3.第四句中“承各方的大力支持”如果仅仅翻译成With the energetic support from all the partiesinvolved,“承”的意思就没有完全翻译出来,所以我们这里翻译为Thanks to the energeticsupport from an the parties involved,这样就能更清楚表达出原文的意思。另外,这句话里的“各方”,直译的话应该是from all walks of life,但是实际上,这里“各方”指的是与中国国际地毯交易会相关的“各方”,所以,将其译成from all the parties involved更为合适。