
游客2023-07-03  37

问题     中国南方地区是一片广阔的土地,面积足有英国国土面积九倍之大。一年之中,这里有多达200天在下雨,积水到处可见。夏末,南方地区是一片金色的稻海。作为世界上重要的水稻种植区之一,这里的水稻产量占世界总产量的四分之一。如今,在这里的大片土地上,人们都种植了现代高产(high-yielding)的水稻品种,施的是化学肥料(fertilizer),并用联合收割机(combineharvester)来进行大规模收割。


答案     The South China is a vast area which is eight times larger than the UK. It rains here for up to 200 days a year and standing water is everywhere. By late summer, the rice fields of South China have turned golden. As an important rice planting area in the world, this area produces a quarter of the world’s rice. Nowadays, modern high-yielding strains are grown throughout much of the rice lands, boosted by chemical fertilizers and reaped by combine harvesters.

解析 1.在第一句中,“广阔的”译为vast,也可以用wide表示。“面积足有英国国土面积九倍之大”译为eight times larger than the UK,也可以译为nine times as large as the UK。
2.在第二句中,“多达200天”可以用up to 200 days表示。“积水”译为standing water。
3.第三句中的“夏末……金色的稻海”指的是“在夏末,南方地区的稻田都变成了金色”,因此可以译为By late summer,the rice fields of South China have turned golden.
4.在第四句中,“水稻种植区”译为rice planting area。“作为……之一”可以用as引导的介词短语表示。