[originaltext]M: You can teach Jim in a more pleasant way. You’ll spoil his app

游客2023-07-03  26

M: You can teach Jim in a more pleasant way. You’ll spoil his appetite.
W: Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t have blamed him before I taught him.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?
M: I’ll call you when it’s ready, but it shouldn’t take longer than a week.
Q: What is the man’s job?

选项 A、A repairman.
B、A customer.
C、A shop assistant.
D、A librarian.

答案 A

解析 女士问:“修好我的手表要多长时间?”男士回答:“……应该不会超过一个星期。”可见男士是个修手表的修理工,故A正确。四个选项都表示职业,由此知,本题是场景、身份题,问说话人的身份、职业,听音时要注意捕捉关键词。fix my watch给出了答题最关键的信息。