[originaltext]W: You’ve spent too much time doing your coursework, Sam. Don’t y

游客2023-07-03  12

W: You’ve spent too much time doing your coursework, Sam. Don’t you think you should go out and get some fresh air?
M: Thanks for the advice, Rose. But this is how I relieve my stress. I’d rather not fall too far behind in my class.
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
W: May I move in this weekend, Mr. Penny?
M: No problem, Miss, as you’ve already paid three months’ rent and one month’s deposit. I’ll get everything in order and be expecting you at 9 on Saturday morning.
Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

选项 A、Landlord and lodger.
B、Receptionist and guest.
C、Salesman and client.
D、Policeman and driver.

答案 A

解析 根据关键词move in“搬进来”,rent“租金”和deposit“押金”,可判断说话人是租客和房东的关系。A正确。