
游客2023-07-02  30

问题     眼下,“土豪”(tuhao)当属中国最热门词汇(buzzword)之一,用来指称那些受教育不多且品味差的富人们。这是中国网友运用聪明才智和创造力为老词注入新生命的又一个例子。“土豪”曾指那些有钱有势、剥削农民的地主们。几年前,当中国魔兽(World of Warcraft)玩家用它来指代那些为强大的虚拟武器一掷千金的有钱玩家时,它的意思就彻底变了。如今,“土豪”这个词已经被引入日常语言之中。


答案     One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is "tuhao", a term referring to rich people of little education and poor taste. This is another example of Chinese Internet users applying their wisdom and creativity to an aged phrase to give it a new life. The term used to mean rich and powerful landlords who exploited peasants. But a few years ago when Chinese players of the computer game "World of Warcraft" adapted this term to refer to rich players who spend big money on powerful virtual weapons, its meaning changed significantly. Now, this term has been introduced into daily conversation.

解析 1.第1句中的“指称那些受教育不多、品味差的富人们”直译为referring to rich people of little educationand poor taste,此处是对上句主语的解释说明,故翻译时可将其处理为同位语的形式,在referring to前加上a term,使句意更加简洁紧凑,符合英文表达。
2.在第2句中,句子主干部分是“这是又一个例子”(this is another example),根据英语表达习惯用example of…引出例子的内容。而定语“中国网友运用聪明才智和创造力为老词注入新生命的”较长,可把Chinese Internet users处理成介词of后的中心词,而用非谓语动词短语形式的applying...来对Chinese Internet users加以说明。此句难点在于如何将众多信息点地道地翻译出来,这种情况通常可运用动词的非谓语形式或从句来处理,避免头重脚轻。
3.第3句中的定语“有钱有势、剥削农民的”较长,可以分拆处理,“有钱有势”较简单,可以直接译为rich andpowerful,而将“剥削农民的”处理成定语从句,译为who exploited peasants。这里的“农民”是指旧社会地位低下的人,故用peasant一词。
4.第4句中的“中国魔兽玩家”如果逐字对译为Chinese players of“World of Warcraft”,可能会让不熟悉该游戏的人摸不着头脑。在翻译时,对于不常见的专有名词要采取“增词”翻译的方式来加以解释,故此处应增译“电脑游戏”(the computer game)一词。