[originaltext]W: Do you know what Julia’s hobbies are?M: I don’t know. But she

游客2023-07-02  10

W: Do you know what Julia’s hobbies are?
M: I don’t know. But she likes nothing better than to talk on the telephone with her friends.
Q: What have we learned about Julia?
M: I’m not feeling well these days and I need to find a doctor in town. Do you know anything about Tony Smith?
W: I’ve been going to him for years. I don’t see how you could do better.
Q: What does the woman say about Dr. Smith?

选项 A、He used to be her doctor.
B、There are better doctors than him in town.
C、It’s difficult to meet him.
D、He is a good doctor.

答案 D

解析 男士说,这些天他身体不太舒服,需要在镇里找位医生,并问女士是否知道Tony Smith医生。女士说自己已经找他看病多年,再没有比找他看病更好的选择了。not…better表肯定意味,即她认为Tony Smith是一位非常好的医生,故选D。