As school pupils enjoy the end of their summer holiday, few will expect a re

游客2023-07-01  30

问题     As school pupils enjoy the end of their summer holiday, few will expect a return to their harsh grading system in French. Termly reports in secondary schools record pupils’ marks to the nearest two decimal(小数的)points. Every child knows how they compare with the average. At school-leaving baccalaureate exam(中学毕业考试), a result of 16 out of 20 is considered outstanding. For younger children, a dictation to test spelling is marked by progressively deducting points for every error, which can crush the grade down to zero, or even into negative territory.
    Benot Hamon, the education minister, thinks the system, at least for younger people, is too harsh. He argues that " in France we are defined by failure", and this begins with poor grades. He wants schools to "stimulate instead of discourage" and to give pupils more positive feedback. Mr. Hamon has launched a review of the national grading system. It is due to report early next year.
    Mr. Hamon’s concern seems to be over the stress and anxiety that harsh grading imposes on French schoolchildren, and the lack of confidence that this generates in a country that is already excessively pessimistic. Fully 75% of the children say they worry about getting poor marks in maths, for example, according to a study by Paris-based OECD(经济合作与发展组织)think-tank—only just less than the figure of 78% in South Korea, and far above the 46% in Sweden.
    Last year the education ministry reported on an experiment in middle schools, in which marks out of 20 were abandoned in favour of comments, or vague letter grades. Boys, the report noted, disliked a less competitive environment more than girls: stronger pupils disliked it more than weaker ones. But by creating less stress over failure, the report found, pupils were encouraged to take risks and participate in class, and often became more confident.
    Curiously, it was parents rather than pupils who most resisted the absence of grades. They worried about over-protected children, and the difficulty of judging their progress. If Mr. Hamon is to get anywhere, he may find that his biggest obstacle is pushy parents. [br] What do we learn about the grading system in French?

选项 A、It is welcomed by the majority of school pupils.
B、It compares every child with the best-performed one.
C、It is harsh to evaluate pupils’ performance in exams.
D、It attaches great importance to dictation in tests.

答案 C

解析 事实细节题。本题考查文章对法国评分制度的描述。由定位段第一句可知,在法国,当学生们在享受剩余的暑假时,很少有人会想要回到那评分制度苛刻的学校;第二句指出,中学记录学生成绩的学期报告会将大家的成绩精确到小数点后两位,均说明法国的评分制度对学生的考试成绩评估严格。C)是对原文大意的概括,故为答案。A)“它受到大多数学生的欢迎”与原文第一句语义相反,故排除;B)“它将每个孩子与最优秀的孩子相比较”,与原文第三句“每个孩子都知道他们与平均水平相比如何”,该选项意义与原文不符,故排除;D)“它很重视考试中的听写测试”,脱离了该段最后一句的限定“对于更小的孩子来说”,意义表述不准确,故排除。