《红楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions)写成于18世纪,是中国著名的古典长篇小说。小说共计120回,前80回的作者是曹雪芹,后40回

游客2023-07-01  16

问题     《红楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions)写成于18世纪,是中国著名的古典长篇小说。小说共计120回,前80回的作者是曹雪芹,后40回由高鹗完成。通过对贾氏封建大家族(feudal clan)生活的生动描述,《红楼梦》展示了清朝(the Qing Dynasty)封建社会的兴衰。小说塑造了大量的人物,其中主要人物就将近40个。以该小说为题材的艺术作品很多,其中最成功的当属1987年由王扶林导演的电视连续剧《红楼梦》。


答案     Written in the 18th century, A Dream of Red Mansions is a famous Chinese classical novel. In this 120-chapter novel, the first 80 chapters were written by Cao Xueqin and the left 40 by Gao E. With vivid descriptions of the life in the big feudal clan of Jia, the novel reveals the rise and fall of the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty. The novel shapes a large number of characters and nearly forty are considered major ones. A lot of artistic works have been produced based on the novel, among which the most successful is the TV series A Dream of Red Mansions directed by Wang Fulin in 1987.

解析 1.第1句直译为A Dream of Red Mansions is written in the 18th century and it is a famous Chineseclassical novel,稍显平淡没有重点,将句首的“……写成于18世纪”处理成状语,用过去分词短语writtenin the 18th century来表达,将后一分句“是中国著名的古典长篇小说”处理成主干,句子主次更分明。
2.第2句可直译为The novel consists of 120 chapters with the first 80 being written by…and theleft 40 by…,但稍显繁冗、生硬。将该句转译为由两个并列结构和一个介词结构组成的简单句,结构会更明了,即将句首的“小说共计120回”译为介词短语in this 120-chapter novel,“前80回的作者是……,后40回由……完成”则译成并列结构the first 80 chapters were written by…and the left 40 by…,后一个并列结构可承前省略“由……完成”(were written)。
3.第3句后一分句中的“展示了清朝封建社会的兴衰”的核心是“展示兴衰”(reveal the rise and fall),“兴衰”前的定语“清朝封建社会的”较长,可按英语表达习惯处理成后置定语,而“清朝”和“封建社会的”则可按照与中心词的关系越紧密越靠近中心词的表达习惯,译作the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty。
4.分析最后一句的结构可发现,后一分句“其中最成功的当属……”属于对前半句内容的补充说明,故可将其处理成修饰前一分句内容的非限制性定语从句,译作among which the most successful is…directedby Wang Fulin in 1987。