元宵节(Lantern Festival)是中国的传统节日。正月十五庆祝元宵节,这一天也标志着春节庆祝活动的结束。据说早在汉朝(the Han Dyna

游客2023-06-30  45

问题     元宵节(Lantern Festival)是中国的传统节日。正月十五庆祝元宵节,这一天也标志着春节庆祝活动的结束。据说早在汉朝(the Han Dynasty),元宵节就已成为重大节日。在这一天,人们会与家人团聚,吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。在中国许多地方,公园会有壮观的花灯展览。晚上全家人会出门赏灯和猜灯(riddle)。猜灯谜既有趣又充满智慧,老少皆宜,是一项人们喜闻乐见的娱乐活动。


答案     The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. People celebrate it on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and it also marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. It is said that as early as the Han Dynasty, it had become a festival with great significance. On this day, people gather with their family and enjoy a big dinner. In many places of China, there are usually grand lantern shows in parks. In the evening, the whole family goes out to watch the lanterns and guess lantern riddles. As guessing lantern riddles is interesting and full of wisdom, it has become a beloved entertaining game suitable for all ages.

解析 1.第2句为无主语句,而第一个分句实际隐匿的主语是“人们”,因此增译people。可把两个分句处理成由and连接的并列句。第二个分句中的“这一天”指“正月十五”,也指“元宵节”,故可简单译作it.第二个分句也可使用定语从句来译,表达为People celebrate it…in the first lunar month that also marks….“春节庆祝活动”中的“活动”属于汉语中的范畴词,英译时可省略不译。
4.第5句的“公园会有……”可用there be句式来表达。可适当增译usually,表示一年一度的元宵节常会呈现出的景象。