[originaltext]W: Mr. Green, what do you think makes a successful negotiator?M:

游客2023-06-28  38

W: Mr. Green, what do you think makes a successful negotiator?
M: Well, that’s hard to define. But I think successful negotiators have several things in common. They are always polite and rational people. They are firm but flexible. They can recognize power and know how to use it. (12) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation, the way it rises and falls, and how it may change direction. They project the image of confidence. (13) And perhaps most importantly, they know when to stop.
W: And what about an unsuccessful negotiator?
M: Well, this is probably all of us when we start out. We are probably immature and over-trusting, too emotional or aggressive. We are unsure of ourselves and we want to be liked by everyone. (14) Good negotiators learn fast. Poor negotiators remain like that and go on losing negotiations.
W: In your opinion, can the skills of negotiation be taught?
M: Well, you can teach someone how to prepare for a negotiation. (15) There’re perhaps six stages in every negotiation: get to know the other side; state your goals; start the process; clarify areas of disagreement or conflict; reassess your position, making acceptable compromises; and finally reach some agreement in principle. These stages can be studied, and strategies to be used in each can be planned beforehand. But I think the really successful negotiator is probably born with the sixth sense about responding appropriately to the situation at hand.
W: The artistic sense you’ve just described?
M: Yes. That’s right.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What does the man say about good negotiators?
13. What does the man say may be the most important thing to a successful negotiator?
14. How is a good negotiator different from a poor one?
15. What is the first stage of a negation according to the man?

选项 A、They know when to stop.
B、They know how to adapt.
C、They know when to make compromises.
D、They know how to control their emotion.

答案 A

解析 男士在讲述成功谈判者的特点时提到,最重要的是他们知道何时停下来。因此答案为A)。