The old romantic adage (谚语) is a cute one, but according to recent studies,

游客2023-06-28  2

问题     The old romantic adage (谚语) is a cute one, but according to recent studies, opposites don’t necessarily attract.
    Research shows that people tend to seek out relationships with—and eventually marry—partners who have similar defining characteristics, such as age, political orientation, religion, education, and income.
    "Generally speaking, when we think about opposites attracting or not, we’re thinking in terms of personality rather than these big key demographic factors," says Vinita Mehta, a clinical psychologist and writer based in Washington, D. C.
    One big factor as to why this may be is simply your stage of life: where you live, what lifestyle you have, and what kind of people you’re exposed to.
    "If you’re on a college campus, by and large, you’re going to find people who are in your age group," Mehta says. " You’re going to find people who at least eventually become part of the same general income strata (阶层)."
    Researchers from the University of Kansas made a bolder claim. A study released earlier this year analyzed real-world relationships and asked couples (romantic partners, friends, and acquaintances) about attitudes, behavior, values, prejudices, and personality traits that were important to them. The pairs that had closer and more intimate relationships were not necessarily more similar than newly formed pairs, and people shared similarities on almost every personal issue that was measured.
    The lead psychologists on this study believe this doesn’t happen by chance; it’s so common and widespread that seeking out like-minded people may be our psychological default when we make new friends or romantic partners. We certainly get the most out of these relationships. They make us more comfortable and trusting of the other person, and that makes it easier to cooperate and achieve goals.
    As far personalities go, connecting on major traits, like levels of neuroticism (情绪不稳定性) and conscientiousness, generally lead to happier couples. But that doesn’t mean you and your significant other need to agree on everything. Having different quirks (怪癖) —less defining parts of your personality, like your favorite sport or foods—can introduce you to new activities and ways of thinking, which can make you a more well-rounded person. [br] What does "these big key demographic factors" (Line 2, Para. 3) refer to?

选项 A、These similar defining characteristics.
B、These similar psychological characteristics.
C、The different cultural factors.
D、The different geographic factors.

答案 A

解析 语义理解题。第三段指出,一般而言,当我们思考相异是否相吸时,我们考虑的是性格方面,而不是上述这些非常关键的本质特征,而上文提到研究表明,人们往往寻求与自己显著特征相似的伙伴关系,并最终结婚,这些特征有年龄、政治倾向、宗教信仰、学历和收入等。由此推断,第三段中的these big key demographic factors是指代上文提到的这些相似的本质特征,故答案为A)。B)“这些相似的心理特征”,虽然原文第七段第一句的第二个分句中提到了psychological default,但是指心理缺陷,而不是心理特征,故排除;C)“不同的文化因素”和D)“不同的地理因素”原文并未提及,故均排除。