For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importan

游客2023-06-27  19

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案                   How to Develop English Speaking Ability?
   Speaking ability is an essential skill that is closely linked with all aspects of our life, for we need to communicate with others and make ourselves understood. With the deepening of globalization, today’ s college students have to enhance the ability of oral English communication.
   Even though Chinese students have learned English for many years and taken numerous tests in school, practically speaking, most students are rather poor in speaking English. The key to learning English is to use it proficiently. With the implementation of reform and opening-up policy, more and more foreign people and companies enter China, so it has become an inevitability for college students to use English in communication and work.
   In order to develop speaking ability, we should first enlarge our vocabulary by reading English materials we are interested in. We can start with the simple ones. Secondly, we should practice speaking as much as possible. Try to find a partner like a foreign teacher or attend English corners. Moreover, we should read aloud so as to boost our confidence in speaking and correct our pronunciation.
   All in all, developing English speaking ability requires long-term practice and we should never give up.

解析 这是一篇议论文写作。这次考的话题是口语能力的重要性以及如何提高这项能力。题目相对较简单,而且具有很大的开放性,考生可以结合实际情况,选择自己认为有效的方法来进行阐述,言之有理即可。