[originaltext]W: Jack, have you been to that new restaurant yet? M: You mean t

游客2023-06-23  8

W: Jack, have you been to that new restaurant yet?
M: You mean the one at the campus corner?
W: No. It’s not that one. It’s right across the street from the entrance to the school.
M: No. I’ve never eaten there. I usually have time to go home for lunch between classes.
W: Do you think you are a good cook?
M: Well,[9]I’m quite handy in the kitchen myself. Last semester I took a course in Chinese cooking. And I must say I think I did rather well.
W: Well, in that case I’ll certainly have to take advantage of our acquaintance. Do you think you could teach me something about Chinese cooking?
M: That’s a great idea. Say, why don’t you come home with me after geometry class? I’ll turn my dinner into a cooking lesson.
W: OK. If you are sure it’s not too much trouble.
M: Not at all. I’ll teach you what I’ve learnt in the cooking class. Just remind me to stop by the grocery store after class. I have to pick up a couple of ingredients.
W: I hope this isn’t turning into a huge project.
M: No way. I like cooking. Besides, we have to eat anyway, right?
W: You are right. I guess I haven’t thought of it that way.
M: Oh,[11]there is the professor. You’d better go sit down.
W: OK. See you after class.
9. What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
10. What does the man promise to do?
11. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、Teach the woman about Chinese cooking.
B、Make a fancy dinner for the woman.
C、Register a cooking course for the woman.
D、Pick up the woman to school.

答案 A

解析 细节题。女士问男士能不能教她做中餐(teach something about Chinesecooking),男士通过反问句建议女士下课后来他家,他可以把晚饭当作一堂烹饪课(turn my dinner into a cooking lesson),还说要把他在烹饪课上学的东西教给女士(teach you what I’ve learnt in the cooking class),由此可知男士答应要教女士做中餐,故答案为A)。