[originaltext]M: Let’s go and get something to eat.W: Oh, I’m starving. Hey, t

游客2023-06-23  12

M: Let’s go and get something to eat.
W: Oh, I’m starving. Hey, there’s a McDonald’s up ahead.
M: There’s always a McDonald’s up ahead. Everywhere you turn there’s another blasted McDonald’s.
W: What’s wrong with that? Hey, they’re convenient.
M: They’re too convenient!(9)Anything would be convenient if it could be found on every street corner.
W: I like McDonald’s!
M: I’m sick of it Did you know that there are over 8 000 restaurants in the US alone and over 11 000 franchises worldwide? By the year 2020, everyone will eat at McDonald’s every day!
W: They’re definitely everywhere. But they must be doing something right: they’ve sold over 100 billion burgers. They’re even in Japan.(10)Did you know they even put special Japanese sauces on some of their burgers in Japan? That makes McDonald’s quite popular there.
M: Whatever. I just don’t think their food is all that great.
W: But at least their products are consistent: you know exactly what you’re going to get every time you go there.
M: Did you know that McDonald’s is now recognized by 96% of all American schoolchildren? They are the largest minimum wage employers in America.
W:(11)I heard that a person working at a McDonald’s in Moscow makes more than the average Russian doctor does.
M: That’s disgusting! But I do believe in capitalism. McDonald’s may earn a lot of money every year. They say that one in every seven American millionaires got their start at McDonald’s.
W: Oh, I’m hungry. Let’s hurry and find a fast food place.
M: OK. What do you feel like eating?
W: I’ve got this intense craving for a Big Mac.
M: I just lose my appetite.(12)Let’s go somewhere else for a change.
9. According to the man, why is McDonald’s so convenient?
10. What makes McDonald’s so popular in Japan?
11. How about the salary of a person working at a McDonald’s in Moscow?
12. Where will the two speakers go for dinner?

选项 A、It is everywhere.
B、It serves food quickly.
C、It has fine cultural background.
D、It provides many seats.

答案 A

解析 原因目的题。本题问的是在男±看来,为什么麦当劳如此便利。对话中男士提到,任何事物只要随处可见的话,都会很便利。言外之意,麦当劳如此便利是因为它非常多,随处可见。