[originaltext]W: Did you have a good time last weekend? M: Yes, I did. I visit

游客2023-06-23  6

W: Did you have a good time last weekend?
M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in Pennsylvania. They live in a small town called Canonsburg.
W: That must have been interesting. I’ve never been in a small town — just big cities.
M: Neither had I.
W: What did you do?
M: There isn’t as much to do as there is here. No plays or concerts. People make their own entertainment, though.
W: What do you mean?
M: Well, on Saturday we went to a potluck supper.
W: A potluck supper? What’s that?
M: The whole neighbourhood has a party. Everybody brings something. It’s all put on the table and you can eat whatever you like. That is a potluck supper.
W: It’s something like a picnic, isn’t it?
M: Well, yes. The weather was warm, so we had this one outdoors. But in winter they have them indoors, too.
W: What else did you do?
M: On Sunday we went for a drive. We had lunch at a drive-in.
W: Is the countryside interesting?
M: Beautiful farmland. You’d like it.
W: I’m sure I would.
M: On Sunday evening some people came to dinner. It was very informal — we just sat around and talked. Just a nice Sunday night supper.
W: That’s the kind of evening I like. I don’t care for a formal dinner so much.
M: Neither do I.
9. What did the man do last weekend?
10. What is a potluck supper like?
11. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

选项 A、Their vacation plan.
B、Their common interest.
C、The custom of the man’s hometown.
D、The man’s travel to a small town.

答案 D

解析 主旨题。对话一开始男士就说他去拜访了小镇上的一些朋友,接着在女士的询问下男士介绍了自己在小镇上的所见所闻以及自己这几天的活动,由此可知对话主要是关于男士的小镇之旅,故答案为D)。