
游客2023-06-23  54

问题     中欧双方应本着合作的精神,妥善解决贸易分歧和争端。每一方都需要适当照顾自己的利益。但更重要的是,双方都应适应对方的关切,充分考虑对方国情和所处的发展阶段,稳步扩大我们的共同利益。无论是过去、现在还是将来,贸易自由化始终是全球经济繁荣的唯一途径。中国愿意与欧盟一起采取有效措施反对贸易保护主义,促进中欧贸易更好的增长,共同推动世界经济早日走出当前的困难。


答案     China and the European Union should follow the cooperative spirit and appropriately resolve the trade divergences and disputes. Each side need to properly take care of their own interests. But more importantly, the two sides should adjust to the concern of the other, take into full consideration of the other’s national conditions and the stage of development and stably widen our common interests. Trade liberalization was, is and will be the only way to boost the global economy. China is willing to cooperate with the Europe Union to take effective measures to object to trade protectionism so as to enhance the better growth of the trade between China and the Europe Union and jointly help the world economy out of the present hardships at an early date.
