
游客2023-06-22  32

问题     教育是人类文明进步与繁荣的重要标志,是经济社会发展的重要动力源泉。在人类的历史进程中,教育承担了不可替代的使命和职能,发挥了重要的作用。早在两千年前,中国古代的一部经典著作《大学》(The Great Learning)就曾提到,大学的宗旨,在于彰显人类自身的美德,重塑他人,追求达到至善至美。这一教育思想千百年来薪火相传,至今仍展示着其蓬勃的生命力。


答案     As an important driving force for economic and social development, education signifies the progress and prosperity of human civilization. In the course of human history, education undertakes an irreplaceable obligation and plays a vital role. The Great Learning, a classic written in ancient China as early as 2 000 years ago, advocates that the way of great learning lies in the illustration of illustrious virtues, the remoulding of people, and the pursuit of ultimate goodness. This educational thought has been handed down over generations for thousands of years, demonstrating its vigorous vitality up till now.

解析 1.第一句由两个“是”字结构的短句构成。如果用英语中主系表结构的简单句对应翻译出来,则显得句子不够简洁。两个分句主语都为education,故变通为As an important driving force foreconomic and social development,  education signifies the progress and prosperity of humancivilization.
3.第三句的译文中,illustration和illustrious两词的运用十分恰当。“重塑他人”即用教育改造人民,译作the remoulding of people。“追求达到至善至美”是以完美为目标的意思,用pursuit表达较为恰当。
4.最后一句中,需要注意汉语惯用四字成语的译法。本句中“薪火相传”可以用has been handeddown over generations来表达。