
游客2023-06-22  6

问题     徐霞客出生在一个富庶之家。受父亲影响,他喜爱读地理、探险和游记之类的书籍。这些书籍使他从小就热爱祖国的壮丽河山,立志要遍游名山大川。22岁时徐霞客开始外出旅游。徐霞客一生游历中国30多年,广泛记录了自己的旅行。为了进行细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭。徐霞客过世后,他的旅行记录由他人整理成《徐霞客游记》(The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake)一书。


答案     Xu Xiake was born in a prosperous family. Influenced by his father, he loved to read books about geography, adventure, traveling and so on. These books developed his early love of the motherland’s magnificent scenery, and made him determined to travel over mountains and rivers. At the age of 22, Xu Xiake began his journey. In his lifetime, he traveled throughout China for more than 30 years, documenting his tours extensively. In order to carry out thorough investigations, he seldom traveled by carriage or boat. Instead, he took long trips on foot almost all the time, climbing mountains and hills. The records of his travels were gathered by others after his death into the book The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake.

解析 1.第3句中的“热爱祖国的壮丽河山,立志要遍游名山大川”,这句话里“山”与“河/川”出现了两次,如果都译成mountains和rivers则因重复而显得啰嗦,影响译文的美感,故把其中一个“河山”译成概念词scenery。
2.第5句中的“广泛记录了自己的旅行”用现在分词短语documenting his tours extensively作状语,表伴随。
4.最后一句中的“由他人整理”中的“由”是汉语被动句的标记词,这类句子一般表示较强的被动意义,故译作被动语态were gathered by others。相类似的标记词还有“被、让、给、遭、受、为……所”等等。