For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should sta

游客2023-06-22  16

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of angle when people observing something. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案                 Observing the Same Thing From Different Angles
    The picture shows us that in the eyes of the man near the apple, the apple is of good quality, while to the man who is far from the apple, the apple is of bad quality with a worm in its flesh. It is the angles rather than the distance that differentiate the witness of the apple’s quality. The picture reminds us of a philosophical view—observing the same thing from different angles is a must.
    It is important and very necessary to observe or evaluate a thing from different angles. For example, sometimes when you think you are unhappy, to others it may be that you are surrounded by happiness. Therefore, different conclusions would be arrived at when we view a thing from different angles.
    It is known to all that a coin has two sides. As college students, we should try to learn from someone else’s position. Only in this way can we become a more considerate and perfect person.
