Losing your ability to think and remember is pretty scary. We know the risk o

游客2023-06-22  14

问题    Losing your ability to think and remember is pretty scary. We know the risk of dementia (痴呆症) increases with age. But if you have memory slips, you probably needn’ t worry. There are pretty clear differences between signs of dementia and age-related memory loss.
   After age 50, it’ s quite common to have trouble remembering the names of people, places and things quickly, says Dr. Kirk Daffher of Brigham and Women’ s Hospital in Boston.
   The brain ages just like the rest of the body. Certain parts shrink, especially areas in the brain that are important to learning, memory and planning. Changes in brain cells can affect communication between different regions of the brain. And blood flow can be reduced as blood vessels narrow.
   Forgetting the name of an actor in a favorite movie, for example, is nothing to worry about. But if you forget the plot of the movie or don’ t remember even seeing it, that’ s far more concerning, Daffner says.
   When you forget entire experiences, he says, that’ s " a red flag that something more serious may be involved ". Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven, or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you’ ve visited many times before can also be signs of something going wrong.
   But even then, Daffner says, people shouldn ’ t panic. There are many things that can cause confusion and memory loss, including health problems like temporary stoppage of breathing during sleep, high blood pressure, or depression, as well as medications (药物) like antidepressants.
   You don’ t have to figure this out on your own. Daffner suggests going to your doctor to check on medications, health problems and other issues that could be affecting memory. And the best defense against memory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain’ s cognitive (认知的) reserve, Daffner says.
   "Read books, go to movies, take on new hobbies or activities that force one to think in novel ways," he says. In other words, keep your brain busy and working. And also get physically active, because exercise is a known brain booster. [br] What should people do when signs of serious memory loss show up?

选项 A、Check the brain’ s cognitive reserve.
B、Stop medications affecting memory.
C、Turn to a professional for assistance.
D、Exercise to improve their well-being.

答案 C

解析 细节题。原文倒数第二段前两句话指出,当严重的失忆症状出现时,达佛纳建议我们去看医生,找出导致失忆症状的影响因素,不要自己解决。由此可知,我们应该向专业人员求助,故答案为C。A项答非所问,建立大脑的认知保护区是预防记忆流失的方式,而非失忆症状出现时我们应该做的事情,故排除。B、D两项原文均未提及,故排除。