[originaltext](19) The United States has one of the best highway systems in the

游客2023-06-22  23

(19) The United States has one of the best highway systems in the world. Interstate highways connect just about every large and mid-sized city in the country. Did you ever wonder why such a complete system of excellent roads exists? For an answer,you would have to go back to the early 1920s. In those years just after World War Ⅰ, (20) the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense. Such a system could, if necessary, move troops quickly from one area to another. It could also get people out of cities in danger of being bombed. So-called roads of national importance were designated, but they were mostly small country roads. In 1944, Congress passed a bill to upgrade the system, but did not fund the plan right away. In the 1950s, the plan began to become a reality. Over $25 billion was appropriated by Congress, and construction began on about 40,000 miles of new roads. The idea was to connect the new system to existing expressways and freeways. And though the system was built mostly to make car travel easier, defense was not forgotten. For instance, highway overpasses had to be high enough to allow trailers carrying military missiles to pass under them. (21) By 1974, this system was mostly completed. A few additional roads would come later. Quick and easy travel between all parts of the country was now possible.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
19. What does the speaker say about the American highway system?
20. What was the original purpose of building a highway system?
21. When was the interstate highway system mostly completed?

选项 A、To improve transportation in the countryside.
B、To move troops quickly from place to place.
C、To enable people to travel at a higher speed.
D、To speed up the transportation of goods.

答案 B

解析 浏览四个选项,从选项中的四个以to开头的不定式短语可推测,此题与做某事的目的有关。题干问的是建设高速公路系统的最初目的是什么。短文前半部分提到,一战后,军队为了国防事业,想要在美国建设一套高速公路系统;在需要的时候,这样的系统可以迅速把军队从一个地区转移到另一个地区。由此可知,答案为B。A项(改善乡村的交通状况)、C项(让人们出行速度更快)和D项(加快货物的运输)均不是建设高速公路系统的最初目的,故排除。