[originaltext] Police in Indonesia have identified four out of five of the J

游客2023-06-21  6

Police in Indonesia have identified four out of five of the Jakarta attackers. Two were previously convicted terrorists. Police named one—Afif Sunakim, seen carrying a gun and a bag during the attacks. He was given a seven-year jail term for attending a terrorist camp.
    All five died in Thursday’s attacks, which left two civilians dead and were claimed by Islamic State (IS). Three arrests were made on Friday but it is unclear if they are connected.
Security forces battled terrorists for hours in the busy commercial district where the terrorists struck. A Canadian and an Indonesian national died, and at least 20 people were injured. The attack ended when two attackers died in a suicide bombing, police say, with the other three killed in gun battles.
    Following recent IS threats, the country, which had been attacked by Islamist terrorists several times in the past, had been on high alert.
3. What is the news report mainly about?
4. What do we learn about the attack from the news report?

选项 A、The attack of Islamist terrorists.
B、Indonesia had been on high alert
C、Five Jakarta attackers in Indonesia.
D、All attackers died on Thursday.

答案 A

解析 主旨题。新闻开篇提到警方已辨认出四名雅加达袭击者的身份,接着描述这起袭击事件及其造成的伤亡,可见通篇讲的是伊斯兰国(IS)的恐怖分子在印度尼西亚的袭击事件,A正确。B、C和D三项都只是关于袭击事件的细节描述,B“印尼一直处于高度戒备状态”是袭击发生后的情况。C“印尼的五个雅加达袭击者”只是说明了实施袭击的主体。D“所有的袭击者都在周四身亡”是袭击者的下场。