[originaltext] Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has contacted his lawyer

游客2023-06-21  11

Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has contacted his lawyer, according to an unconfirmed report.
    (5)Abdeslam has been on the run since he was driven back to Belgium hours after the gun and bomb attacks which left 130 people dead on 13 November. According to a reliable source, (6)the Belga news agency said he had got in touch with lawyer Sven Mary. Mr Mary has refused to comment on the report and the federal police have described it as "only a rumour".
    Meanwhile, the Paris prosecutor’s office has named Chakib Akrouh as the suicide bomber who blew himself up in a Saint-Denis flat linked to the attackers. Akrouh was a Belgian-Moroccan national, born in Belgium in 1990.
    Mr Mary denied a similar report last month by Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad. He has said he would be prepared to represent the criminal, who is thought to have dropped off three suicide bombers before the attack at the Stade de France.
    (7)CCTV pictures showing Abdeslam at a petrol station close to the Belgian border in northern France, hours after he reportedly took part in the Paris attacks.
5. Why has Abdeslam been on the run?
6. What did the federal police regard as "only a rumour"?
7. What do we learn from the CCTV pictures?

选项 A、Abdeslam had contacted with lawyer Sven Mary.
B、130 people were dead in the bomb attacks.
C、Mr Mary has refused to comment on the report.
D、Chakib Akrouh was the suicide bomber.

答案 A

解析 新闻提到,比利时新闻社报道Abdeslam已经和律师Mary取得联系,律师拒绝对此报道予以回应,并且联邦警察称这一报道“只是一个谣言”,由此可知A正确。B“130人在炸弹袭击中身亡”、C“Mary拒绝对报道做出评论”和D“Chakib Akrouh是自杀式炸弹”均有在新闻中提到,但与问题无关。