New research has found that those who work 11-hour days or more increase the

游客2023-06-21  4

问题     New research has found that those who work 11-hour days or more increase their chance of a heart attack by two thirds. If you’re about to embark on your usual 12-hour day at the office, you might want to pause a while—a few hours, actually. A study has found that those who spend more than 11 hours at work increase their chance of having a heart attack by two thirds.
    The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day. They also collected information including the condition of their heart from medical records and health checks. Over the period, a total of 192 had suffered a heart attack. Then the study was published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, reporting that those who worked more than 11 hours a day were 67 percent more likely to have one than those who had a "nine to five" job.
    Professor Mika Kivimki, who led the study, said: "We have shown that working long days is associated with a remarkable increase in risk of heart disease. Considering that including a measurement of working hours in a GP interview is so simple and useful, our research presents a strong case that it should become standard practice. This new information should help improve decisions regarding medication for heart disease."
    "It could also be a wake-up call for people who over-work themselves, especially if they already have other risk factors," Professor Kivimki added. Around 2.6 million Britons have heart disease, where the organ’ s blood supply is blocked by the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries(冠状动脉). It is the nation’s biggest killer, claiming 101,000 lives in this country every year. Heart attacks occur when a coronary artery becomes completely blocked; if the blood supply is not restored, the section of the heart being supplied by the artery will die. [br] The passage mainly discusses______.

选项 A、how does the heart attacks occur
B、the experiment on heart disease
C、more and more people are suffering from heart attack
D、long time working increases the risk of heart disease

答案 D

解析 主旨题。文中,作者首先介绍了一个关于工作与心脏病的研究,包括研究的背景、方法、过程和结果。而后在文章最后一段,作者介绍现在心脏病发病的情况和心脏病发作的原理。这些研究都在证实一个事实,即:长时间的工作增加患心脏病的风险。故A、B、C的描述都不全面。只有D,“长时间工作增加心脏病发病率”最全面,是文章主要讨论的内容,故为本题答案。