[originaltext]M: I really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to
[originaltext]M: I really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to
M: I really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to just sit around, and there don’t seem to be any jobs available.
W: Why don’t you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away on vacation. Mr. Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn’t want it left empty.
M: You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?
W: It wasn’t that easy. She had to mow and water the houseplants. And when Eric house-sat for Mr. Cohen, he had to take care of his pets.
M: House-sitting sounds like a good job. I guess it’s a little like baby-sitting—except you’re taking care of a house instead of children.
W: The student employment office still has a few jobs posted
M: Do I just have to fill out an application?
W: Margaret and Eric had to interview with the houseowners and provide three references each.
M: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.
W: The houseowners want some guarantee that they can trust the house-sitters. You know, they want to make sure you’re not the type who will throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you.
M: House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren’t paid then.
W: Usually they are paid anyway just because the homeowners don’t want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldn’t get another job. So, why don’t you apply? 8. What does the man want to do this summer?
9. What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer?
10. What is one responsibility the house-sitter probably won’t have?
11. What would happen if a homeowner reported a house-sitter’s bad behaviour?
A、They hired someone to stay in their home.
B、They left their pets with their neighbors.
C、They rented their house to a student.
D、They asked their gardener to watch their home.
细节题。A是对原文hired Margaret to stay in their house的另一种表述方法,故为答案。C是强干扰项,对话讨论的并不是租房子,而是雇人看房子。提问处是考点,其实就是对上文叙述的一个总结。
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