[originaltext]M: The weather forecast says it will rain today.W: Yeah, doesn’t

游客2023-06-20  22

M: The weather forecast says it will rain today.
W: Yeah, doesn’t it always? They’ve been saying that for a week and I haven’t seen much sign of it so far.
M: Yeah, but look. This time maybe they’re on target. The sky’s very dark. I got a feeling the rain will be heavy.
W: If it’s raining heavily after class, wait for me and I’ll bring you an umbrella
M: That’s kind of you to offer, but don’t worry I’ll probably just wait it out.
W: By the way, what are the chances that you might be able to have a word with Professor Simpson in Criminology class? We still need some resources for our Psychology project and his input might help.
M: I could ask him, although I don’t know how eager he’d be to give us information about such a topic.
W: Oh, come on, he’s always so helpful. Why would he even hesitate?
M: Well, he has this mind set, which opposes the notion that criminals must necessarily be psychologically abnormal. He feels it’s just a stereotype.
W: Ok. But when it comes to certain crimes like mass murder, there must be a few "marbles loose".
M: You would think so. But it’s hard to convince Simpson that anyone’s crazy.
W: Perhaps he’d make a good reference source in the section where we include counter-arguments to our main thesis.
M: Good thinking. Let’s give it a shot
W: That’s the spirit!
12. Why does the woman seem unconvinced that it will rain today?
13. Why do the man and woman want to talk to Mr. Simpson?
14. What is Simpson’s view towards criminals?
15. What will the two speakers probably do?

选项 A、He rejects labeling criminals.
B、He thinks criminals have certain psychological problems.
C、He thinks criminals are abnormal.
D、He thinks that criminals are crazy.

答案 A

解析 从选项中共有的He,thinks,criminals等词,猜测本题很有可能问He对罪犯的观点。男士说道:“他(Simpson教授)有这么一种固定的想法,反对罪犯一定是心理不正常这种观点,他觉得那仅仅是一种老套的思维。”A中的rejects是对原文opposes的同义替换,故A正确。B、C、D均与长对话中的含义相反,均不正确。长对话中对问句的答语往往是考点所在。