Most animals seek shade when temperatures in the Sahara Desert soar to 120 d

游客2023-06-20  10

问题     Most animals seek shade when temperatures in the Sahara Desert soar to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. But for the Saharan silver ant,【C1】________from their underground nests into the sun’s brutal rays to【C2】________for food, this is the perfect time to seek lunch. In 2015 these ants were joined in the desert by scientists from two Belgian universities, who spent a month in the【C3】________heat tracking the ants and digging out their nests.  The goal was simple, to discover how the     【C4】________adapted to the kind of heat that can【C5】________melt the bottom of shoes.
    Back in Belgium, the scientists looked at the ants under an electronic microscope and found that their【C6】________, triangular hair reflects light like a prism (棱镜), giving them a metallic reflection and protecting them from the sun’s awful heat. When Ph. D. student Quentin Willot【C7】________the hair from an ant with a【C8】________knife and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.
    The ants’ method of staying cool is【C9】________among animals. Could this reflective type of hair protect people? Willot says companies are interested in【C10】________these ants’ method of heat protection for human use, including everything from helping to protect the lives of firefighters to keeping homes cool in summer.
A) adapting           I) remote
B) consciously        J) removed
C) crawling           K) species
D) crowded            L) specimens
E) extreme            M) thick
F) hunt               N) tiny
G) literally          O) unique
H) moderate                        [br] 【C1】


答案 C

解析 动词辨析题。空格位于介词词组from…into之前,而且本句的主干是this is the perfect time to seek lunch,因此空格处需要填入动词的-ing形式或-ed形式。空格所在部分意思是:从它们的地下巢穴——到酷热的阳光下。根据常识可知,蚂蚁是爬行动物,因此空格处应填入含有“爬行”意义的动词,故本题答案为C)crawling。