
游客2023-06-18  40

问题   屈原是中国最早的浪漫主义诗人,是楚国大夫。为了抵御强秦,他提议与齐国结盟。但因奸臣诽谤(slander),他被免职、流放。怀着对国家和人民的满腔热忱,他创作了许多诗篇,《离骚》(The Lament)就是其中最著名的一篇。公元前278年,秦国攻克楚国。屈原不愿降秦,跳进泪罗江自尽。按照传统,每年五月初五端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival),人们都会纪念这位爱国之士。


答案     Qu Yuan, a minister of Kingdom Chu, was the first Romantic poet in China. He suggested an alliance with Kingdom Qi to resist the powerful Kingdom Qin, but slandered by treacherous court officials, he was dismissed and exiled. With full love for his country and people in heart, he composed many famous poems, among which The Lament is the most popular one. In 278 BC, Kingdom Chu was conquered by Kingdom Qin. Unwilling to surrender to the Qin, Qu Yuan took his own life by means of jumping into the Miluo River. As a prime example of patriotism, he is traditionally commemorated on the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar.
