共用题干 第二篇One一Room SchoolsOne-room sohool

资格题库2022-08-02  22

问题 共用题干第二篇

One一Room Schools

One-room sohools are part of the heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makeo PeoPle
feel a longing for"the way things were".One-room schools are an endangered species,however.For more
than a hundred years,one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to
centralized schools.As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By 1970
there werel,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more than 350 are in Nebraska.The
rest are spread through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.
Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there 15 something yet to
be leamed from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progres-
sive educators have come uP with progressive-sounding names like"peer-group teaching"and"multi-age
grouping" for educational procedures that occur naturally in one-room schools.In a one-room school the chil-
dren teach each other because the teacher 15 busy part of the time teaching someone else.A fourth grader can
work at a fifth-grade level in math and a third-grade level in English without the bad name associated with
being left back or the pressures of being skiPped ahead.A youngster with a learning disability can find his or
her own level without being separated from the other pupils.A few hours in a small school that has only one

classroom and it becomes clear why so many parents feel that one of the advantages of living in Nebraska is
that their children have to go to a one-room school.One-room schools are in danger of disappearing because___________.A:there has been a trend towards centralizationB:they cannot get top studentsC:they exist only in one stateD:children have to teach themselves

选项 One-room schools are in danger of disappearing because___________.
A:there has been a trend towards centralization
B:they cannot get top students
C:they exist only in one state
D:children have to teach themselves

答案 A

解析 短文第一段第一句话提到“一间房”学校已经成为美国遗产的一部分,一提到它就会使 人们有一种渴望回到过去的感觉。这就是说,这种学校对美国人的影响很深,故选C。
短文第一段第三句话提到,“一间房”学校被不断关闭,学生被统一转送到集中化的学 校。故选A。
短文第二段第四句话提到,一个四年级的学生可以做五年级的数学,三年级的英文,他 不会因为被甩到后面而感到丢脸,或是因为被超过而感到有压力。这句话与选项A相符合 (即学习不限制在一个年级的水平上)。
短文第二段最后一句话提到,许多父母认为住在内布拉斯加州的好处之一就是孩子能 够在“一间房”学校读书。也就是说,家长们都不喜欢集中式的学校,故选A。
通读整篇文章可知,作者对“一间房”学校是持赞同态度的。故选A。 第三篇 短文主要写平民科学家对生态学家的帮助。
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