共用题干 Finding a JobAt sixteen Ron Mackie

考试题库2022-08-02  35

问题 共用题干Finding a Job
At sixteen Ron Mackie might have stayed at school,but the future called to him excitedly.“Get out of the classroom into a job,”it said,and Ron obeyed.His father,supporting the dcci-sion,found a place for him in a supermarket.“You're lucky,Ron,”he said.“For every boy with a job these days,there's a dozen without.” So Ron joined the working world at twenty pounds a week.
For a year he spent his days filling shelves with tins of food.By the end of that time he was looking back on his school days as a time of great variety and satisfaction.He searched for an in-terest in his work,with little success.
One fine day instead of going to work Ron got a lift on a lorry going south.With nine pounds in his pocket,a full heart and a great longing for the sea,he set out to make a better way for him-self. That evening,in Bournemouth,he had a sandwich and a drink in a cafe run by an elderly man and his wife.Before he had finished the sandwich,the woman had taken him on for the rest of the summer,at twenty pounds a week,a room upstairs and three meals a day.The ease and speed of it rather took Ron's breath away.At quiet times Ron had to check the old man's arithme- tic in the records of the business.
At the end of the season,he stayed on the coast. He was again surprised how straightforward it was for a boy of seventeen to make a living.He worked in shops mostly,but once he took a job in a hotel for three weeks.Late in October he was taken on by the sick manager of a shoe shop. Ron soon found himself in charge there;he was the only one who could keep the books.It took about a year for Ron to realize that______.A: he worked well because he was interested in the jobB: his work at the supermarket was dullC: being at work was much better than going to schoolD: the store manager wanted to get rid of him

选项 It took about a year for Ron to realize that______.
A: he worked well because he was interested in the job
B: his work at the supermarket was dull
C: being at work was much better than going to school
D: the store manager wanted to get rid of him

答案 B

解析 本文第一段的第一句说到:罗恩(Ron)感到未来在向他召唤:“走出教室,找个工作”,于是他们遵从了这一召唤。因此我们可以了解到是他自己想要开始工作。
本文第二段提到罗恩对学校生活的留恋,想要提高自己对目前工作的兴趣未果。由此可以判断出他认为超市的工作枯燥(dull) 。
第三段说罗恩“longing for the sea”(向往大海),因此他是想在海边找个工作的。应注意C选项中的“unwell”指身体不舒服、有病,因而不选。
根据上下文判断词汇含义。此题关键在于对“keep the books”的理解,这里指罗恩负责打理鞋店的生意,因为只有他懂得如何管理账目。而选项B中的accounts即是账目的意思。
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