共用题干 American Wedding“I do.”To American
共用题干 American Wedding“I do.”To American
共用题干American Wedding
“I do.”To Americans,those two words carry great meaning.They can even change your life,especially if you say them at your own wedding.Making wedding vows is like signing a con-tract. Now Americans don't really think marriage is a business deal.But marriage is a serious business.
It all begins with engagement.Traditionally,a young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her. If the father agrees,the man later proposes to her. Often he tries to surprise her by“popping the question”in a romantic way.Sometimes the couple just decides to-gether that the time is right to get married. The man usually gives his francée(未婚妻)a dia- mond ring as a symbol of their engagement. They may be engaged for weeks,months or even years .As the big day approaches,their friends will provide many useful gifts.Today many cou- pies also receive advice during engagement.This prepares them for the challenges of married life.
At last it is time for the wedding.Although most weddings follow traditions,there's still room for individualism(个人主义).For example,the usual place for a wedding is a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot.A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!The couple may invite hundreds of people or just a few close friends.They choose their own style of colors,decorations and music during the ceremony.But some things rarely change.The bride usually wears a beautiful,long white wedding dress.She traditionally wears“something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue.”The groom wears a formal suit.
As the ceremony begins,the groom and his attendants stands with the minister,facing the audience.Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants followed by the beautiful bride. Nervously, the young couple repeats their vows.Traditionally,they promise to love each other “for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health.”But sometimes the cou-
pie composes their own vows.They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage corn-mitment.Finally the minister announces the big moment:“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!”
At the wedding reception,the bride and groom greet their guests.Then they cut the wedding cake and feed each other a bite. Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers(花束)to a group of single girls.Tradition says that the one who catches the flower will be the next to marry.After the reception,many couples take a honeymoon,a one-to-two-week vacation trip,to celebrate their new mamage.Besides holding the wedding ceremony in the church,there are various other choices.A: RightB:WrongC: Not mentioned
Besides holding the wedding ceremony in the church,there are various other choices.
A: Right
C: Not mentioned
文章第一段提到“Now Americans don't really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is a serious business.”这句话中出现两个business,各自表达的意思不一样,第一个的意思是“商业、生意”,而第二个意思是“事”。这句话说明,美国人并没有把婚姻当作是一场交易,而是一件很严肃的事情。
文章第二段提到“A young man asks the father of his sweetheart for permission to marry her.”这说明正确的程序应该是:年轻男子先要征得女方父亲的允诺,允许将女儿许配给他,如果征得同意,他才可以向女孩求婚。
文章第三段中提到“some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!”由此我们可知,在教堂中结婚并不是唯一的方式,人们为了展现个性有时也会选择其他地点,如风景名胜或空中作为婚礼场所。
文章中第三段只提到了传统习惯下新娘要带的四样东西:“ something old , something new , something borrowed and something blue”即旧的、新的、借的、蓝色的。并没有包括红色的东西。
文章没到谈到这方面的信息。文章只在第四段中提到“Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants , followed by the beautiful bride.”可知,新娘是跟在她陪伴后出来的,具体是否由她的父亲带出来的,文章并没有涉及。
文章第四段提到“They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commit-ment.”可知,交换金戒指象征着彼此对婚姻的承诺,所以这必然是结婚仪式中的一个环节。
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