Rose always mocks her accent which makes

最全题库2022-08-02  17

问题 Rose always mocks her accent which makes her rather sad.A:smile at        B:look down onC:belittle        D:laugh at

选项 A:smile at       
B:look down on
D:laugh at

答案 D

解析 本句话的意思是:“露丝总是嘲笑她的口音,这使她很难过。”laugh at:嘲笑,例如:The students laughed at the funny story.听了那个有趣的故事,学生们都笑了起来。 smile at:对……微笑,例如:The mother is smiling at the sleeping baby.妈妈对着熟睡的婴儿微笑。look down on:轻视、蔑视,例如:Some people look down on puns.一些人对双关语感到不屑。belittle:轻视、贬抑,例如:Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous.不要仅仅因为你的忌妒而贬低她的钢琴演奏。
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