共用题干 Travel Across AfricaFor six hours

题库2022-08-02  19

问题 共用题干Travel Across Africa
For six hours we shot through the barren(荒芜的)landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa.Just rocks and sand and baking sun.Knowing our journey was ending,Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done.He used a camera.I used words.I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth,a beautiful leather notebook I'd bought in a market in Mozambique.
Southern Africa was full of stories and visions.We were almost drunk on sensations,the roaring(咆哮)of the water at Victoria Falls,the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.
And then the other things:dogs in the streets,whole families in Soweto living in one room,a kilometre from clean water.
As we drove towards the setting sun,a quietness fell over us.The road was empty一we hadn't seen another car for hours.And as I drove,something caught my eye,something moving close enough to touch them,to smell their hot breath.I didn't know how long they had been there next to us.
I shouted to Dan:“Look!”But he was in a deep sleep,his camera lying useless by his feet.They raced the car for a few seconds,then disappeared far behind us,a memory of hero-ic forms in the red landscape.
When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.
“Wild horses?”he said.“Why didn't you wake me up,Sophia?”
“I tried.But they were gone after a few seconds.”
“Are you sure you didn't dream it?”
“You were the one who was sleeping!”
“Typical”,he said.“The best photos are the ones we never take.”
We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.Daniel took photos of the Nile River.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

选项 Daniel took photos of the Nile River.
C:Not mentioned

答案 C

解析 题干意为“丹尼尔和索非亚开车慢慢地穿越热闹的沙漠”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语Daniel,Sophia, busy desert作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句For six hours we(指Daniel和Sophia) shot through the barren landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa,该句意为“我们疾速行驶了六个小时穿越荒芜的南非卡鲁沙漠”。短文中提到“疾速行使” 而不是题干中的“慢慢开车”,短文中提到“荒芜的南非卡鲁沙漠”而不是题干中的“热闹的沙漠”,显然题干与短文陈述信息不一致。该题涉及典型陷阱:偷梁换柱(用不一致的细节信息替换短文中原有的信息)。
题干意为“索非亚在笔记本中写下了她的经历”。利用题干中的名词Sophia, experiences, notebooks作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句Knowing our journey was ending,Daniel and I(指Sophia)just wanted to remember all we had seen and done.He used a camera.I(指Sophia)used words.I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth,相关句提到“为了记住我们所见和所做的一切,我(索非亚)用文字进行记录,而且已经写完了第三本笔记本,将开始写第四本”。由此可见题干陈述的意义与短文相关内容一致。
题干意为“丹尼尔拍下了尼罗河的照片”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语 Daniel,photos,the Nile Rive作为定位线索,结果发现“尼罗河”一词在短文中根本没有出现,因此“尼罗河”是短文中没有提及的信息。而且短文只在第一段提到丹尼尔用照相机记录他在非洲的所见所闻,没有具体提到他用相机拍摄了什么,因此丹尼尔是否用相机拍摄了尼罗河的照片是短文中未提及的信息。
题干意为“丹尼尔和索非亚看到了很多精彩的东西”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语Daniel , Sophia , a lot of wonderful things作为定位线索,结果发现第二段和第三段主要讲述他们在非洲看到了很多精彩的东西(咆哮的维多利亚瀑布等)。因此题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关内容一致。题干其实就是对短文中相关内容的概括总结。提示:有的题干句是一个概括句,是对短文中相关内容的概括总结。
题千意为“在驾车途中,丹尼尔和索非亚看到了野马”。利用题干中的名词及名词短语Daniel, Sophia, wild horses作为定位线索,这样找到相关句When Daniel woke up an hour later I(指Sophia)told him what had happened.“Wild horses?”he said.“Why didn't you wake me up,Sophia?”,相关句意为“一个小时后当丹尼尔醒过来的时候,我告诉了他所发生的事情。他说‘野马?你为什么没有叫醒我呢?’”这表明丹尼尔没有看到野马,因此题干陈述的信息与短文相关信息不一致。
题干意为“那些马没有靠近汽车”。利用题干中的名词horses , car作为定位线索,这样找到相关句And as I drove(与car呼应), something caught my eye, something moving close enough to touch them,to smell their hot breath(与horses呼应),相关句意“在我开车的途中,有什么东西引起了我的注意,这个东西离我们很近,以至于我都能感受到它们(野马)呼出的热气”。由此可见那些野马曾经靠近过索非亚驾驶的汽车,而不是没有靠近,因此题干陈述的意义与短文中的相关内容不一致。
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