共用题干 Congratulations, It Will Be A Boy!

资格题库2022-08-02  14

问题 共用题干Congratulations, It Will Be A Boy!
Until just a few years ago,making a baby boy or a girl was pretty much a hit-or-miss affair. Not anymore .Parents who have access to the latest genetic testing techniques can now predeter-mine their baby's sex with great accuracy,as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight two years ago,when their long-wished-for daughter Jessica was born after genetic prescreening(基因筛选).
And baby Jessica is just the beginning. Within a decade or two,it may be possible to screen kids almost before conception(怀孕)for an enormous range of attributes(特性),such as how tall they are likely to be,what body type they will have,their hair and eye color,what sort of ill-ness they will be naturally resistant to, and even,conceivably(可想见地),their IQ and person-ality type.
In fact,if gene therapy lives up to its promise,parents may someday be able to go beyond weeding out(筛去)undesirable traits and start actually inserting the genes they want-perhaps e-ven genes that have been crafted(创造)in a lab. Before the new millennium is many years old, parents may be going to fertility clinics(生殖诊所)and picking from a list of options the way car buyers order air conditioning and chrome alloy(铬合金)wheels."It is the ultimate shopping ex- perience:designing your baby,"says biotechnology critic Jeremy Rilkin,who is appalled by the prospect."But in a society used to cosmetic surgery(整容手术),this is not a big step."
The prospect of designer(定制)babies,like many of the ethnical conundrums(难题)posed by the genetic revolution,is confronting the world so rapidly that doctors,ethicists(伦理学家), religious leaders and politicians are just starting to grapple with(与……进行格斗)the implica- tions-and trying to decide how they feel about it all.
They still have a bit of time .Aside from gender,the only traits they can now be identified at the earliest stages of development are about a dozen of the most serious genetic diseases.Gene therapy in embryos(胚胎)is at least a few years away. And the gene or combination of genes responsible for most of our physical and mental attributes has not even been identified yet. Besides, say clinicians,even if the techniques for making designer babies are perfected within the next decade,they should be applied in the service of disease prevention,not improving on nature.Which of the following best expresses Jeremy Rifkin's attitude toward designing babies through gene therapy?A: Strongly supportive.B: Cautiously welcome.C: Uncommitted.D: Critical.

选项 Which of the following best expresses Jeremy Rifkin's attitude toward designing babies through gene therapy?
A: Strongly supportive.
B: Cautiously welcome.
C: Uncommitted.
D: Critical.

答案 D

解析 第三段的开头说到“if gene therapy lives up to its promise, parents may someday be able to go beyond weeding out undesirable traits and start actually inserting the genes they want",由此可见,只有选项C与原文相符。选项A“选择婴儿的性别”,这是将基因技术运用于胚胎的最初阶段就可以实现的,而不是该技术发展一段时间后才可以实现的。选项B“预先确定婴儿性别”,这与选项A类似,同样不能选。选项D“鉴别基因的无序状态”,这在文中没有提及,所以不选。

根据第二段可知“在怀孕前挑选婴儿的优良品质”是一二十年后的事,排除B。根据第三段可知“在婴儿基因中加入父母希望孩子拥有的基因——甚至是在实验室中人为创造的基因”,这是基因疗法按照预期不断发展、走向成熟后才能实现的事情,由此可以排除C和D。而根据第一段“as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight two years ago,when their long-wished-for daughter Jessica was born after genetic prescreening", 可以知道选项A符合题意。

阅读完题干后应立即回到原文,细读Jeremy Rifkins的那一番话,前半句“It is the ultimate shopping experience: designing your baby”还不能确切体会出他的态度,但接下来,作者描述Rifkins为基因技术的发展前景所震惊“who is appalled by the prospect",震惊一词至少可以说明Rifkins是不赞成先将基因技术用于胚胎的。而后半句“But in a society used to cosmetic surgery, this is not a big step.”就明确表明7 Rilkins的立场:这一技术并不稀奇,不值得大肆宣扬,从这里可以看出其态度是批评性的。

根据第四段内容“就像基因革命所带来的许多道德上的困惑一样,通过基因疗法来设计婴儿的这一前景,使得各方人士,如医生、伦理学家、宗教领袖和政治家,开始试图理解这一技术的含义,并试图决定他们对待这一技术的态度”,可以判断A正确。然后再一一分析后三个选项。选项B“设计婴儿是纯粹科学方面的事,不会引起道德争论。”文中没提及“设计婴儿是纯粹科学方面的事”,而认为“不会引起道德争论”则明显不符合原文。选项C“设计婴儿的前景已经引起了各方强烈谴责”,而原文只说各方人士开始关注这一技术,并未引来谴责。选项D“人们关心设计婴儿可能会伤害到科学”,这在文中没有提及,所以也不选。 最后一段说,当今基因技术尚不完善,可以为自己的孩子挑选优良品质也是几十年后的事,而且医界人士也表态说“将来这些技术也应该用来服务于疾病预防,而不用来改变自然”,所以有关人士还有时间来考虑究竟应该对基因技术作出什么样的评价。这些都在劝慰人们不要对该技术的发展太过担心。
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