共用题干 Ebola Outbreak1. You are likely aw
共用题干 Ebola Outbreak1. You are likely aw
共用题干Ebola Outbreak
1. You are likely aware that several countries in West Africa are battling an Ebola outbreak.Eb-ola is a dangerous and often lethal viral infection.Scientists believe that humans contracted the vi-rus by eating the meat of rare animals.It is now believed that bats are the primary carries of the virus。
2. To date,there are only three major countries in West Africa experiencing a major outbreak: Sierra Leone,Liberia and Guinea. However,other countries such as Nigeria have reported con-firmed cases of Ebola within their borders.
3. Unless you recently visited one of the three affected West countries you risk of contracting the virus is virtually zero.Unlike other recent airborne virus outbreaks like SARS,the Ebola virus can only be spread through direct contact with an infected person.Specifically,Ebola is spread through contact with body fluids .Though the virus is transmittable,only an infected person exhib-iting symptoms is communicable.
4. The signs and symptoms of Ebola are non-specific and patients typically exhibit them after a week of contracting the virus.Symptoms may appear as early as two days or as late as three weeks after initial infection.Symptoms include disgust,weakness and stomach pain.More uncommon symptoms include chest pain,bleeding and sore throat.
5.Ebola is devastating because of its ability to attack and replicate in every organ of the body. This causes an overstimulation of the body's inflammatory response,causing the flu-like symp- toms. The virus also causes bleeding and impairs the body's normal clotting mechanism(凝血机制),making bleeding even more severe .Loss of blood volume and decreased organ perfusion(器官灌注)ultimately lead to organ failure and death.
6. The current outbreak is the deadliest viral outbreak in over 35 years.While diseases such as the malaria(疟疾)are far more communicable,Ebola is one of the world's most fatal viral infec- tions .Ebola's fatality rate exceeds that of SARS.The initial Ebola outbreak was found inA:.infected body fluidsB: against the outbreak severityC: the mode of transmissionD: the initial days of being infectedE:.three countries in West AfricaF: within a wide range of days
The initial Ebola outbreak was found in
A:.infected body fluids
B: against the outbreak severity
C: the mode of transmission
D: the initial days of being infected
E:.three countries in West Africa
F: within a wide range of days
第二段中提到埃博拉病情爆发的几个地点:Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea,几个地名提示,本题答案为D。
第三段第一句“Unless you recently visited one of the three affected West countries you risk of contracting the virus is virtually zero.”告诉我们,你如果并未到达疫情爆发地点,那么你患病几率为0,因此得知答案为A(我是否可能遭遇病毒)。
第四段第一句“The signs and symptoms of Ebola are non-specific and patients typically exhibit them after a week of contracting the virus.”便提及了埃博拉病毒的患病症状,故可知答案为C(我如何知道我是否患病了)。
第五段第一句话“Ebola is devastating because of its ability to attack and replicate in every organ of the body.”告诉了我们埃博拉病毒的致病机理。故本题答案为E(埃博拉病毒堆积造成什么样的影响)。
由第一段第一句话“You are likely aware that several countries in West Africa are battling an Ebola outbreak.”可知,埃博拉病毒爆发于西非的几个国家。故本题选E。
由题干中的SARS可定位到第三段,其中“Unlike other recent airborne virus outbreaks like SARS,the Ebola virus can only be spread through direct contact with an infected person.”提示,答案为C(它们的传播方式不同)。
由第四段的“Symptoms may appear as early as two days or as late as three weeks after initial infection.”一句可知,潜伏期为二到三周不等,故本题选F。
根据第三段的“Specifically, Ebola is spread through contact with body fluids.”可知,体液的接触是主要传播途径。故本题选A。
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