共用题干 第二篇Human and the EarthIn terms of

考试题库2022-08-02  5

问题 共用题干第二篇

Human and the Earth

In terms of the evolution of life on Earth,human beings have just arrived.Despite their shori time on Earth,however,people have brought about enormous changes to the surface of the planet一changes far out of proportion to the interval of time they have occupied it.
People have more control over their surroundings than any other species on Earth.With the combination of intelligence and manual skill(allowing us to make and use tools),people have found ways to use plant and animal resources,mineral ores,fuels,and many other materials and resources from the Earth.
As the number of people on Earth increases,it becomes increasingly difficult for the population to survive on the resources of the land.The amount of land is limited.Although agricultural production can be increased by use of machinery such as tractors and the addition of fertilizer,the land ultimately can produce only so much food and no more.
As the human population grows,people consume more.Clearly,some locations on Earth already have too many people;in many of these areas,future increases will surely bring about more poverty and suffering. Yet people in rich nations use proportionally far more of the available resources than people in poorer nations.As they consume these resources without restraint,they also waste large amounts of them.
People are only a very small fraction of all the living things on the planet.Yet their numbers create a drain on resources that can't be renewed.For example,the amount of water on Earth is limited,this water is cleaned through natural processes.However,the natural processes for filtering water can clean only a certain amount of water by removing the pollution.Likewise,a limited amount of petroleum can be found under the Earth's surface.Petroleum is a valuable resource.Should people use it up to manufacture petrol for automobiles?As people work to control the planet and make life comfortable,are they using up resources that are needed for their survival?in terms of the evolution of life on Earth,the history of human beings is_______.A:very short        B:very longC:as long as that of other animals        D:as long as that of the Earth

选项 in terms of the evolution of life on Earth,the history of human beings is_______.
A:very short       
B:very long
C:as long as that of other animals       
D:as long as that of the Earth

答案 A

解析 文章第一段第一句话提到“就地球上生命的进化而言,人类是姗姗来迟者”,因此比较而言,人类的历史并不长。选项A是正确的。
从文章第二段第二句话“With the combination of intelligence and manual skill...”我们知道选项A和B都是正确的,因此选择D项。
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