As both a religion and a social force,Pu

最全题库2022-08-02  11

问题 As both a religion and a social force,Puritanism has made a widespread influence in the United States.A: afar-reachingB: a disturbingC: an annoyingD: a favorable

选项 A: afar-reaching
B: a disturbing
C: an annoying
D: a favorable

答案 A

解析 句意:作为一支宗教和社会力量,清教主义在美国有广泛的影响。widespread意为“分布广泛的,普遍的”。A. far-reaching意为“影响深远的,有广泛影响的”,与widespread意思相近;B. disturbing意为“令人烦扰的”; C . annoying意为“恼人的”;D. favorable意为“有利的,给人好印象的”。
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