共用题干 第一篇Narcotic Addiction(麻醉品依赖)Heroin
共用题干 第一篇Narcotic Addiction(麻醉品依赖)Heroin
Narcotic Addiction(麻醉品依赖)
Heroin(海洛因)addiction today is found chiefly among young people in ghetto areas(贫民区). Of the more than 60,000 known addicts,more than half live in New York State.Most of these live in New York City. Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are less than 30 years of age.
Narcotic(麻醉剂)addiction in the United States is not limited to heroin users. Some middle-aged and older persons who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted. So do some people who can get drugs easily,such as doctors,nurses and druggists. Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.
Many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main objective of their lives.His concentration on getting drugs often prevents the addict from continuing his education or his job.His health is often poor. He may be sick one day from effects of withdrawal(撤退,这里指不吸毒)and sick the next from an overdose(吸毒过量).Statistics show that his life span(寿命)may. be shorted by 15 to 20 years.He is usually in trouble with his family and almost always in trouble with the law.
Some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they became addicted.Once addicted,they may even become more involved with crime because it costs so much to support the heroin habit.
Most authorities agree that the addict's involvement with crime is not a direct effect of the drug itself. Turning to crime is usually the only way he has of getting that much money.His crimes are always thefts or other crimes against property.
Federal penalties for illegal usage of narcotics were established under the Harrison Act (《哈里森法案》)of 1914. The Act provides(规定)that illegal possession of narcotics is punished by fines and/or imprisonment. Sentences can range from 2 to 10 years for further offences.
Illegal sale of narcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and a sentence from 20 to 40 years for later offences.A person who Sells narcotics to someone under 18 is refused parole(假释)and probation(缓刑), even for the first offences. if the drug is heroin,he can be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death.A drug addict is always in trouble with law______.A:because he loses hope in himselfB:because turning to crime is his only way of getting money to buy the expensive drugsC:because he rebels against the society and does not see things in the lights of reasonD:because he often gets into bad company
A drug addict is always in trouble with law______.
A:because he loses hope in himself
B:because turning to crime is his only way of getting money to buy the expensive drugs
C:because he rebels against the society and does not see things in the lights of reason
D:because he often gets into bad company
本题考查的是对原文篇章的分析判断:我们可以从第二段中推断出哪一个选项。从第二段前两句话Narcotic addiction in the United States is not limited to heroin users.Some middle-aged and older persons who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted.我们可以得知:在美国,麻醉品上瘾不仅限于吸食海洛因的人,有些中老年人为了减轻病痛而定期吃一些药品,这样也会上瘾。所以,有些人无意中染了毒品。正确答案应是 A,.B、C虽然也正确,但并非推断出的。
本题考查的是对细节的理解:即吸毒者的主要目标是什么。该题的答案隐含在文章的第三段里。该段第一句话:Many addicts admit' that getting a continued supply is the main objective of their lives.我们得知,许多吸毒者承认,他们人生的主要目标就是得到源源不断的毒品供应。而选项A“戒毒”、B“获得财政支持”、D“精神安慰”都没有提到。所以,正确答案应是C。
本题考查的是分析推理能力:如果一个学生吸毒上瘾,他会怎么样?该题答案的线索在第三段第二句话中:His concentration on getting drugs often prevents the addict from continuing his education or his job.这种一心一意想要得到毒品的念头经常阻止他继续上学或工作。通过这句话,我们得知drop out of school是学生最有可能干的,所以正确答案应是C。
本题考查的是细节判断能力:为什么吸毒者会经常违反法律。A选项:因为他自己失去希望;B选项:因为犯罪是他买昂贵毒品所需的钱的唯一来源;C选项:因为他要和社会作对,并且不能理智地看待事物;D选项:因为他和坏人打交道。原文第五段第二、三句话:Turning to crime is usually the only way he has of getting that much money.His crimes are always thefts or other crimes against property.犯罪经常是吸毒者获得那一笔钱的唯一途径。他的罪行通常是偷窃或者其他盗窃财产罪。由此可见,正确答案应是B。
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A.桑寄生 B.蕲蛇 C.五加皮 D.威灵仙 E.木瓜具有祛风湿、补肝肾
钛金属制的假牙A.8108.2090 B.8108.9090 C.9021.
可引起毒性休克综合征的细菌是( )。A.肺炎链球菌 B.脑膜炎奈瑟菌 C.